Sunday, 18 October 2020

Voting a Labour Landslide

It's election day. Kahu and I vote at Cashmere High School. It's Kahu's first election and he has enrolled in Banks Peninsula electorate where we live. I'm Ilam where the house is. So I cast a special vote. We call in at Lighthouse to sort out the last of the lighting. A horrendous price for the ideal light in the porch I won't be getting. We spend the afternoon tidying up College Ave. Kahu transports a huge piece of concrete I dug up in summer from the old garage, and couldn't move. He adds it to the driveway pile. Kevin to the rescue. I meet the new neighbour across the road. She's got three little girls and I watch a doll's house get craned in. An impressive scale of toy. Raj from Enable arrives to plan the internet connection, after numerous emails and phone calls. He's pleasant...problem solved. I hope.

Kahu and I move half the leftover flooring wood to the garage and measure it. The planks don't have a standard size but I have to calculate what's there so I can put an amount on and sell it. We only have one argument. Later we watch election coverage, It's going Labour's way. National lose out to the Greens and Act. I've ditched my party vote for the Greens because they're proposing a wealth tax on assets of $1,000,000. Too low- after all the fighting I've done I wouldn't be able to afford to live in my new house. Crazy. Chris and I dress up for a 60's party but I don't stay long. It's crowded, loud and I'd rather be watching TV with Kahu. 

Labour win by a landslide margin. In my electorate, Ilam, Gerry Brownlee, having done a criminally bad job as minister in charge of the earthquake rebuild, is at last elected out. Victim of a swing against National. I'm stunned. I never thought I would live to see the day. I always vote in hope but assume my vote is wasted. I'm over the moon. Justice at last. 

                                                       The Green Party gets 10 seats

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