Wednesday 6 May 2020

Day 40- Doors and Windows

It's all go again. The gib is going on soon and there are doors and windows to sort. The old doors are giving Jamie a headache but he's patient. I'm in and out of the J bubble at school sorting things on the building site. Kirk and I take the two smaller doors to Pete to be dealt with. There's always a chin wag when you visit Pete. About anything. After school I drop back to find the leadlight skylight going in, and Jamie fitting the sliding door between the ensuite and the wardrobe. The lead light glass looks good but the door needs a gadget to keep it closed. I have to decide how low the "beam" between the living and dining spaces will be. I don't know...500 or 400 or a bit lower. On the way out I see a piece of plaster coving from Plaster Art. As it's going along the ceiling line, we hold it up to check proportions relative to the beam. I still can't decide. I need Nicki and organise an emergency consult for tomorrow morning.
Good news on the Covid front: 0 new cases, 0 deaths. This cheers everybody up and feel like celebrating. Hopefully it's the beginning of the end.

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