Thursday, 22 October 2020

Toilet Tuesday

I have a brain wave during the night and ring Kevin early to propose more dirt on the back of the truck. I need it for the back garden which dips, dives and slopes. A puddle used to form near the door of the shed after heavy rain, but with the demolition dig and me turning over the earth during lock down, it's a real mess now. Kev's on his way to site so I drop in. He's deposited a decent sized pile. He's a good man and this is a good job for Labour Weekend. Not. Good to get done.

School's school. Both jobs are busy and I'm just keeping up. After school I meet Reece's delivery man, Leo, who drops off the Perrin and Rowe. He's got an old house he's doing up in stages so I show him round. Hearing him talk about the projects he's doing makes me realise how lucky I am starting from the ground up. Kahu and I tidy up, and measure the remainder of the Tasmanian Blackwood pile. We're getting good at this, no arguments. We get trapped in the Tower Junction shopping complex trying to get to Raeward Fresh for veges on the way home. I feel like a sheep trapped in a maze designed by wolves (Taika Waititi). Today there's 15 new cases of Covid in Christchurch. Russian sailors coming in to work on fishing boats. It's unnerving. 

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