Wednesday, 9 September 2020

A Trailer, Ten Tiles and Six Lamps

Feels like a mission, I'm towing a heavy trailer behind the Swift in rush hour morning traffic. Kenneally's is busy as and the roads are jammed going back to school. But I've ticked off a big job. After school I pick up tiles for Ian then spend time getting a floor update. Takeaway, there's always more to it than meets the eye. And it always increases the price. Ian knows his stuff. He tells me we need to raise the level of the concrete floor so the Winckleman's in the entry will be flush with the Tasmanian Blackwood. Underfloor heating's the answer. Another unexpected whack of dosh. The choice is filler, same cost. Round the house, Ian points out small variations in the level of the concrete floor which he has to fix. He's been doing this job for a while and doesn't miss a thing. I notice some hairline cracks in the concrete. It's a living entity.

On the way home I call in to see Neil to drop off pictures of my lead lights from which he's going to  design shelf brackets for the laundry. I ask about the lanterns. Neil says he can fix up the outside and takes the yellow glass out of one so I can find new glass. The original is 70's yellow, unappealing then and unappealing 50 years later. The stickers, Kandelier, are still on the lamps. It's a wrap.

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