I get the ball rolling to 'liven' the solar panels. There's free energy out there. Pouring out of the sky and I want in. After school I attend a meeting with two other part timers and the principal to ask for some paid non-contacts. This is an annual event due to there being no provision, except an inadequate 'endeavour' clause, in the contract. We've fought to get a clause in the school's timetable policy for our case to be reviewed every year subject to funds. Essentially, the school has to find extra money. While we had international fee payers, the school could find enough to pay just under half of what our full time colleagues get. This year it's looking grim and next year will be even worse. Meanwhile, the teacher's union, the PPTA, has been fighting this inequity based on gender discrimination, in court. Nearly all part timers are women. The union started nearly four years and over one million dollars ago. Banishing gender discrimination doesn't come cheap. In the meantime there have been two court cases which have found in favour of women- one for care workers, the other for teacher aides. I'm hopeful this augers well for us but the suspense is killing me. The main hearing was a year ago and a second one just before lock down. It will cost the government as it opens the door for others, and they are fighting it tooth and nail.
Meanwhile, Pete is facing his own battle. To keep his business going while he is hemmed in by road works. So there's plenty of time to get on with my laundry. He's been talking up the joinery and I"m thinking it's going to equal the laundry door in visual impact. I'm hangin' out for a happy laundry spot.
On the way home I stop in to Nicki's. She's struggling with a sudden change of medication in the middle of all this building. Putting on a brave face in her dressing gown. We talk over cupboard frames and kitchen sinks. Life is sooo exciting.
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