Wednesday, 17 June 2020


Morning starts are slow in winter. We don't talk much in the car on the way to school. I let my Year 13's watch the movie they are supposed to watch at home. Gives me the chance to catch up on my admin pile. I feel immediately better. It's a long day teaching but the norwester takes the chill off the air and freedom at the end of the day comes with a clear blue sky.
I go to a doctor's appointment, checking a skin spot. A life under the sun catching up. The waiting room is almost deserted. Is nobody sick anymore? The seats are covered in plastic and the receptionists are behind a full plastic screen. Crikey. The doctor tells me there are two new cases of Covid from two people who have come in from the UK. They were released from quarantine early with no checks on compassionate grounds to visit a dying relative. Disappointing but I don't feel too worried. 
On the way home I make a handle visit. As with everything, there's a bit to mull over and the knowledge comes after several visits, patient advice and mulling over. Making dinner I pour wine, then another and knock myself out. I'm so tired it doesn't take much.

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