Saturday 2 May 2020

Day 37- Zooming

Life has sped up. There's more traffic on the road, I'm leaving early with bags of stuff, not getting home till later afternoon, and rushing to meet deadlines. Apart from the house, there's marking piling up in the digital realm and I've neglected to read PPTA papers for a Zoom meet. Then there's the list to ensure everything is done before the gib board goes in next week. The details that need to be taken care of so when the next layer of the building goes in, the walls, all is tickety boo. I'm scratching my head, asking questions and phoning people. I get hold of Kay and insist we need a meeting so she can look at the scratches on the windows. I can tell she's stressed. It's a drama we could both do without. And hopefully the last in a series of dramas involving the lead lights.
There are now only three students in J bubble and four staff. I'm happy to be able to use the school internet. I struggle through the start of paperwork for renewing my teacher registration, another deadline, they want 8 weeks for processing. I'm scratching my head on that one too.
The gib board is delivered in a huge truck. It's deposited and lies in state in the living area. Lance continues painting and I head off to see Pete at Ambrose Heal with the laundry plans. He shows me two doors which are the same as the ones which are too small. One has a lead light. He's got another use in mind but I tell him if he sends it my way, I will treasure it. He's put the marble basin on the ensuite vanity and has it displayed in the window.
A late bike ride up the hill and I head to Robyn's where she's cooked dinner. After a busy week of house build, I'm noticeably less relaxed than lock down times. I feel it.

Slider door walk in/ ensuite

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