Thursday, 22 September 2022

Rain, the Driving Lesson and the Rugby Final

There's more rain...Bertie helps me put the plaster cast of Michaelangelo's ear in the cavity of my walk in robe, and finish pruing the plum tree. Greg puts a ring on the back of my earthquake Portuguese plate, and I pick up shelf brackets for the garage from Neil who is now based against the hill in Halswell. I've had a sick day, feeling crap, and used it to mark and get new tires for the Toyota. Kahu drives Bertie and I to Neil's workshop then on a Marketplace pick up run. He drives to a back section down a long, narrow driveway and nearly hits the fence on the way out. Swears and calls Bertie and I some rude names then walks off. But comes back. Too stressful. Bertie has been giving him lessons without me. It works better. The driving test is only a couple of weeks away.

The electrics not done properly are revealed. Hudson shows me the switch board and tests the connections. That's why the lights in Tina and Jorge's rooms have been going off and on when they shouldn't. Probably lucky I didn't have a house fire. Because he can't buy the part he needs, he persuades a friend who is installing fuse boxes to take the tiny piece of metal from a box he's got then say it's missing. And get a refund for the now unusable box. Oops. 

Kahu's rugby team is playing their final at Hagley. I pick him up and drop him off then go back for the game with Bertie. Sherry and Chris arrive to watch. It's a nail biter and the Shirley boys crash over the line a number of times but the Marist team holds them up and they don't score. The game could go either way but when the final whistle blows, Shirley are in second place. The boys, one and all, are exhausted and soaked. I take Kahu home and feed him before he goes off to work 11 hours at Original Sin. He's got strength.

There's more rain...Bertie helps me put the plaster cast of Michaelangelo's ear in the cavity of my walk in robe, and finish pruing the plum tree. Greg puts a ring on the back of my earthquake Portuguese plate, and I pick up shelf brackets for the garage from Neil who is now based against the hill in Halswell. I've had a sick day, feeling crap, and used it to mark and get new tires for the Toyota. Kahu drives Bertie and I to Neil's workshop then on a Marketplace pick up run. He drives to a back section down a long, narrow driveway and nearly hits the fence on the way out. Swears and calls Bertie and I some effing c's again, the lesson started with this, then storms off. I'm driving away when we spot him walking back. Too stressful. Bertie has been giving him lessons without me. It works better. The driving test is only a couple of weeks away.

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