Back to front pictures. Kahu peels off tape on the outside of the kitchen window. I've been meaning to do this for ages. I list the bottom end of the oak bed, another job. There's a bit of stuff I bought for the house lying around cluttering up the place. Not to mention the piles of laundry up and down the the living room, the laundry, the garage, the hallway, the spare room, Kahu's room, my walk in, my room. It's everywhere and is swamping us. I dream of returning to normal. But that's impossible, we have mountains of scabies washing and the weather is cold and rainy. I'm doing most of the work and I'm over it.
Meanwhile Covid continues to rumble on. My friend Jill tells me there have been over 18 million deaths world wide. Sounds like a lot. I check up and Wikipedia says 4.96 million. New Zealand, 28 deaths.
8th October
- There are 44 community cases of COVID-19. 41 are in Auckland, and 3 are in Waikato.
- There are 3 cases in managed isolation.
- Today's cases are higher than recent days. This is not unexpected because there have been a number of contacts of new cases and we can expect to get fluctuations from day to day.
There are 34 new community cases today, of which 23 have already been linked to the outbreak (of which 11 are household contacts) and 11 are still being investigated to determine how they are linked.
All the new Waikato cases are linked to the initial Hamilton East case.
10th October
There are 60 new community cases today, 56 in Auckland; 3 in Waikato and 1 in the Bay of Plenty.
The three new Waikato cases are linked to the initial Hamilton East case.
And there's a Vaxxathon....this article from The Guardian, UK
Covid ‘vaxathon’: over 2.5% of New Zealanders get jabbed in one day
Celebrities encourage turnout as response surpasses Jacinda Ardern’s call to administer 100,000 shots

New Zealand’s “Super Saturday” of Covid vaccinations has proved a hit, with more than 2.5% of the population responding to the call to get jabbed on a single day.
The prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, set an ambitious goal of administering 100,000 shots on the day, aiming to push vaccination rates towards her 90% goal.
But New Zealanders turned out in even greater numbers. As of 7pm local time (0700 BST), health workers had administered 127,342 Pfizer doses on Saturday, jabbing at a higher per capita rate than any day of the rollouts in Australia, the UK, US or Canada.

11 October- 35 new cases and an announcement that teachers will have to be vaccinated by 1st January next year. That's gonna annoy anti-vaxxers.
12 October -43 new cases of Covid. Police are still turning vehicles away from Covid-19 border checkpoints despite being weeks into alert level 3 boundary settings in Auckland.
There were 22,460 vehicles processed at the checkpoints yesterday with 196 of those vehicles being turned around, police said.
A total of 50 out of 4699 vehicles were turned away at the northern checkpoints yesterday, while 146 vehicles out of 17,761 were turned around at the southern checkpoints.
October 13th-
- 55 community cases of COVID-19 — 53 are in Auckland, 2 are in Waikato
- No cases in managed isolation
- More than 2 million second doses of vaccine administered to date
- 25,799 tests were taken yesterday
October 14th-
- 71 community cases of COVID-19 — all are in Auckland
- 1 case in managed isolation
- 87% of Aucklanders have 1 vaccine dose
- 28,646 tests were taken yesterday.
- So far two deaths from Covid in this outbreak. The first on September 4th, a woman in her 70's, and a younger man from an anti-vacc church.
My garden hose in this carcinogenic contraption
Where the heck did all this laundry come from?
Central Otago Maxine and the wagon wheel
Blue haired Hana and the mirror frame
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