Google pics has loaded my photos back to front once again. Computers are not as smart as they think they are. Cecile's birthday is looming and she brings party props, finding space I didn't know I had in the garage. She's excited and I'm leaving her to it. She doesn't want me to do anything so I can enjoy the do. Only a few queries.
Meanwhile I continue monitoring wheel chair dings and applying more tape, and rubber seal vulnerable edges. I'm trying to cool but it's hard. Sharyn is trying but when she gets distracted or is in a hurry, she switches off her spatial dial.
It's a social week with an exhibition opening at COCA- important cos the drinks and eats are quality. I bump into one of my earthquake kids, Kahu's erstwhile primary school friend, Jaspar. He was sleeping over on September 4th, 2010, the night of the first big quake. 4:35 am. I put him in my bed with Kahu and we chatted. Kahu was shaking like a leaf, I thought he was cold. And he didn't say much. Now I realise he was in shock. Jaspar and I chatted and I remember telling him I was looking forward to Monday off school. Turned out it was a week at home. Jaspar kept getting up to go to the loo and, even though it was just across the hall, he wanted me to get up and stand at the door. It's great to see him. We shared a lot of personal stuff, including his folks' break up and some lashing out at Kahu, over the years. He's hairdressing with his dad, lots of piercings and wearing a kilt. Jaspar always sought a different path.
Tom arrives on Saturday to drop off bark to finish the south garden. He's obviously set aside some time so helps me plant trees I've collected and hesitated to plant cos it means commitment to a particular spot. I'm relieved. I needed to get them in the ground and was paralysed in case I make a mistake. Sat night is a Burlesque show which turns out to be a competition where the contestants do doppelganger routines. We decide to leave for Deb's place which has a fully stocked liquor cabinet and high tech stereo. I return next morning to check out her curtains as I'm a bit stuck with them as well. Velvet in my room gets a veto. On Monday Anjie returns for another consult and I send the velvet back.
The weather remains unusually balmy for mid March. The tortuously cold swims of yester year are easy in 2021. The water is warmer too.
I keep unpacking. It's like climbing Everest.
Debs and her curtains
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