I'm ready and waiting for the time of council inspection when Kirk rings to say he got it wrong. Tomorrow. All good. More tidy up won't hurt. I end up at the mall for groceries and get side-tracked looking in shops. I haven't sent a Christmas letter this year, or any cards, or put up a tree. First time in years. They're down the list of priorities. I need to get the house signed off and insurance, they're my last deadlines. In fact it takes time and effort to organise Xmas trimmings. There's a lot of work during the festive season for the brave souls of the family who take it on. Invariably women. So I've given myself permission to have Christmas off, sort of. I'll be hosting brunch for Christmas orphans and taking food to Alex and Theo's.
The garden also needs time. The weeds are about to run rampant and there's a sprinkling of stones, not to mention hard clumps of earth, in the new border bed. I've bought trees and I need to get them in but I'm hesitant. Summer is the wrong time to plant and I'm afraid I'll put them in the wrong place. In 2013 when I replanted the edge along the old driveway, I just plonked. But that was autumn. I'll have to make my mind up soon, the trees in nursery pots desperately need space for their roots.
Kahu and I drive to Waimairi...he sits with his nieces while I brave the wind. We cook a fish curry for Biff and Chris- Google recipe thrown together with what I've brought over and what's left in Chris's pantry. Biff's in good pre-Christmas form. It's summer solstice and there's a super star we can't see because of cloud, somewhere in the heavens. Jupiter and Saturn are close together and bright. It happened back in 7BC and may have been the Christmas star. I'd love to see it but not today.
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