It's the last day of school for 2020. No-one is sad, we've been waiting longingly. I help out with 10 Ynd, there's only about 10 of them- most are prize winners. With 3 staff I feel like I could skip the ceremony but the others give me the look. So I sit in the hall watching the Year 10's collect prizes, sitting with Sue BJ, a long time, colleague, reminiscing about past prize givings. Realising how much things have changed yet stayed the same in the last 20 years. Like a boring principal's speech, shuffling bums as people get restless, clapping endlessly, students performing musical items. I remember a rock band at full volume with off key vocals. Today it's Kiwi reggae with on point vocals. Teaching often goes one way, today I get something back and feel more relaxed when I walk out than when I shuffled in.
Lunch is quieter than last year...or is it? Plenty of dress ups. The Art dept do Mad Max, very well. The English dept, well we are impersonating Rob, who is leaving for CBHS. I can't locate clothing on a day to day basis, even if I've seen it the day before, let alone put a costume together. But I borrow Kahu's CBHS shorts and a singlet, find my pink jandals and don a beard. Jeff, the principal, comes as Henry the Eighth. Complete with six management wives. Awesome. Once the drinks are flowing, and we realise it's over, we loosen up.
I've got a finalising meeting with Kirk, however, so temper the drink and keep an eye on the time. I'm a little nervous as he's going to present the extra costs. The soil could be a biggie, ie $2,000. But whatever Kirk comes up with, I know he's going to be fair. He's looking at the concrete when I arrive- the streaks have faded, sort of. We go through what needs to be sorted before consent: something to hide the bare jib in the walk in, door handles which I'm still waiting for, strips in front of the doors where the wood ends, paper work from the engineer and the surveyor, a wire still bare in the ensuite, toe kicks in the laundry...And the final costs which turn out to be way smaller than I had anticipated. I'm grateful. Kirk has been really considerate and flexible without stinging for extras, all the way through. I have not been afraid to ask for changes because he's been willing to make them on a this for that basis. I've taken the odd awkward detail out. And we agree I'll pay the extra generated from his mistake when I can. I'm feel relieved. It's another hurdle behind me. I'm starting to believe I own this house.
I go for a swim, Kahu goes to work, then it's the last game of volleyball which we win one game of, beer and chips at the pub, and more unpacking.

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