And the verandah goes on. So does the painting. I drop off the remains of yesterday's carrot cake, a large one, to keep the team happy at morning tea. I ease into school and managing 100 kids and their needs, educational and other, and tackle next house jobs: floors, door handles, laundry, kitchen, hot water cylinder, heating system and garden. I've got a feeling it's all going to happen at once. When I drop in after school the hole for the vent in my room has been recut just behind the door. I'm happy it's less visible. There's not much that's attractive about a plastic vent but they are an essential part of the ventilation system. I revise my front door handle choice...first choice is no longer made.
On the Covid front, I call Ally, Kahu's godmother, in Melbourne to see how she's going as the spike of new cases continues. She shows me fabric she's bought to make masks which are going to be compulsory from midnight, or a $200 fine. In good spirits and tells me the cases are on the other side of the city.
Breaking news here in Enzed, a team of bakers at Sylvia Park shopping mall are piling up sponge, jam and coconut to break the Ozzie world record for the largest lamington. It weighs 2,770 kg and is the equivalent of 50,000 individual lamingtons, made up of 13,000 eggs, 650 kg of sugar and more than 500 kg of flour. Good on ya, Kiwis! We're behind you. It's a serious effort to pull off something trivial. This one's for charity. On another note, a former student from a Year 10 class about ten years ago, contacts me to say hi. She tells me I used to refer her a lot because she was a little sh** And she wished she had made more effort to learn to write in my class. Brilliant. So nice to be appreciated. She reminds me of the time a radio station rang in class, I asked them if I could take the call, and sang a song about jeans to win a pair. She even sends me a voice clip listing the things I sang about rainbow jeans. I'm stoked she remembered something in my class. That event is a teaching moment for sure. I was just thinking about it myself the other day. Funny how life works.
Kahu looking through my jewellery for finds
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