We leave in the dark and rush to put out the green bin at College Ave. At school I have a marking meeting. It shows the difficulties of doing assessment under lock down. Reports will have to be revised to pass. I make time to mark and get school work done. I'm staring down the barrel of junior reports so am hoping for a quiet week next week. There's teacher deadlines to meet. I squeeze in time to count union votes at lunch before heads down again till the last bell.
As we pull up to College Ave, Kahu and I spot Lance's red Chevrolet. He's done work on it and is selling. We have a business talk then I go inside for a catch up with Kirk. This takes in the venting for the fans, they're in the skylights spoiling the lines, and in the wrong place in the laundry. But not cut through the gib yet so there'll be an opportunity to move them. The fuse box can be put in the wardrobe and one of the boys will plaster over the hole in the gib. We look at the heights of the bathroom window and door. Kirk is going to place the architrave to line them up for the tiling. And we organise with Mark, the plasterer, to come back tomorrow to skim plaster the living room ceiling. It needs to be near perfectly smooth, apparently, otherwise the LED strip will show up the imperfections and look crappy. Lucky Kirk is onto it.
A bike ride up the hill later and my head is clearing...problem solving is tiring. My next problem is finding the hard drive to store pictures and see is my phone will work better. Not to mention uploading pics to my Google account now has storage on a paid trail basis. Better to do a clear out. Too many layers clogs storage and the brain. A wine is in sight.
Vehicle envy |
Picture avoidance

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