Kirk calls cos he's confused about where to put the curtain fixings. I'm confused too so call Nicky. She puts us straight, so to speak. Kirk's in and out in an hour and a half. Easy. Worth asking. And the round window is well and truly installed. But is it straight? I leave with a niggle.
After school I head to the doctor. Well, I would if I could get in the door. The current procedure is phone then wait in the car park. They're half an hour late and I'm outside and grumpy by the time it's my turn. A sore mouth- the doctor asks me if I'm stressed. No, I lie.
On the way home I stop at Designastyle but call next door first. The men standing around watch me struggle in with the marble basin and then are so disinterested I head straight out. Very uninspiring. I find Frankie at Designa and we locate the right tile within two minutes. I'm so sick of looking at tiles, I'm relieved. This one is a mistake order so a good price and natural looking. Reminds me of Central Otago schist.
We reach home and I'm exhausted. After dinner I drive to my homeopathic friend, Lis, in Lyttleton. Are you stressed she asks. This time I tell the truth. House building is not for sissys. I nearly fall asleep while she's preparing the pillules. Life in the fast lane.
Covid in NZ- 0 cases. World wide 5.5 million cases, 350,000 deaths. US 1.7 million cases, 98,000 deaths.

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