On the way across town I realise I've left my phone at home. It's discombobulating as I am using it for random calls and to take photos for the Blog. What's the worst that can happen?
I drive to Reece Plumbing between classes. Sherrill calls her contact in Auckland who says there is one set of P and R deco shower taps in New Zealand and someone else is looking at them. She tells him to hold and I rush back to school to find my credit card for a deposit. Made it. Sherrill also tells me I need to order the loos and basin. I've already made the choice, just need to find the specs. As soon as possible.
I also ring Trinity and NK to finalise last details. I realise I need to change the living room casement windows. If there's no transom in the middle window these should probably loose theirs. I check with Bex in the department. Her ocd tells her, take them out. I ring this through and later receive an e-mail that the order has been put through. No more changes. Done.
When I get to the beach I realise I haven't brought my togs and I need to go to two more meetings for need dry underwear. I've got my scody gardening shirt in the car. The sun is out and the air is warm. I manage the clothing deficit.
Despite caffeine I fall asleep in the PPTA meeting but am aware enough to glean the gist. I weave round the back streets to get back to school just in time for the Meet and Greet with interested parents. Not that many it turns out. About one third of each Year 10 class, one set of Year 13 parents, and one third of the Year 11's.
On the way home I put food out for Pierre but wonder who I am feeding. I haven't seen him for so long. I also clear the mail. Kahu's results are there. I've been so busy I haven't checked online. And also, his folio was borrowed for an exemplar so I know it's good. But the paper says, Excellence. It's official.
Thursday, 13 February 2020
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Kupu, Word Festival, and Pōhatu, Stones
It's Polly's 30th birthday and the department gets on board. Photoshopped pics of Beyonce with Polly's face covering the walls. ...
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It's Polly's 30th birthday and the department gets on board. Photoshopped pics of Beyonce with Polly's face covering the walls. ...
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