It's 1st December- time to start swimming. Tony, cocktail maker extraordinaire, has offered to help me pick up a bench I bought a while ago. Viv has restored it and I chat to her and meet her dog. She's a rescuer of old things and interested in stories,especially about houses. Her dog is interested in new smells.
We drop the bench off and I show Tony round. Later I go back and do some digging- more concrete and bricks come to light. I move some dirt and tramp it down. The ground level is gradually evening up but it's taking a lot of dirt and a lot of doing, by myself. I cool off at the beach where the wind is so strong I can hardly hold onto my boogie board. On the way home I drop in to see Nicki and we visit her building site. Her two houses are coming along at about the same pace as mine.
Kia ora from the capital city! Kei te pehea e hoa? Kia kaha mo to kaupapa hanga whare. Te Mākao.