The busiest day for Santa Claus and I find him all over Alex. The day starts with a bike ride and ends with a swim. I drop in on friends with a relatively new build near Alex. It's a modern design which blends into the landscape so well Bill is constantly waging war with the rabbits. I also visit Gitty in the Hospice Shop. I've come to know her over the years I've been trauling through recycling centres in Alex....Wastebusters, the Salvation Army and now the Hospice Shop. She's also met Lionel when eh was on a quest to find a vacuum cleaner. Gitty's an enthusiastic recycler and excellent at organising and finding new homes for rubbish. She's in awe of Lionel's approaching centenary and comes out to the car to wish him Merry Christmas. I also take Lionel to visit Tui in the cemetery
As I do I stop to pay respect to the Chinese gold miners of Central. There were about 2000 Chinese people in New Zealand by 1869, mostly miners in the goldfields of Otago and the West Coast. They made an immense contribution but suffered the indignity of racist immigration policies. These days many Chinese are making their home in New Zealand.
Bill and Lynne's house |

Memorial to the Chinese miners |
Gitty, Alex's recycle queen |
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